Here Come the Side Effects

It’s been a couple of days since I reported in and things are definitely starting to change. A couple of days ago I awoke about 3 AM and had trouble getting back to sleep. Nothing new there really, as insomnia is something that I have been battling since my diagnosis. I felt very wobbly, dizzy, woozy, and punch drunk….all at the same time! I was also quite nauseated that morning. I rolled around until about 5 AM and then decided that maybe a walk might help to straighten things out. I ended up taking a Compazine and walking about 3 miles that morning. Lo and behold, it did the trick! I felt better for the rest of the day and ended up having a really decent day after that. The best part of the day was making refrigerator dill pickles with Jane, as they are a favorite of mine.

Yesterday was not such a great day. The high dose Prednisone that I am taking just wreaks havoc with my body in the days following my chemo treatments. I am taking 160 milligrams of it twice a day, and that is a boatload. I know I’m a larger boat, but still! I am very puffy through the face, abdomen, and ankles primarily. I can tell that my blood pressure is up from it as well. I’m hoping that it will clear from my body fairly efficiently so that I can get back to a quasi-normal feeling. Right now just picture one of those Macy’s Day Parade floats and you’ll know exactly how I feel right about now in terms of my body. I know that it doesn’t matter to people how I look and all, and that people generally wouldn’t even notice. However, I do notice and that is the part that is frustrating. I worked hard to lose 75 pounds before my diagnosis, and now feel like I appear even heavier than when I started. Reality and perception. Distinguishing between them is so important, yet so hard to do.

The side effects also started to come back yesterday. As I sit here this morning at 3:30 AM (see: Insomnia) I am experiencing a lot of burning and tingling in my fingers again. This time though the feeling is also affecting my left lower calf, ankle, and foot. I have a hard time actually sensing when my foot touches the floor when I have my eyes closed. I think that the Vincristine is probably going to have to be backed off a bit during the next round. This is one side effect we were watching for and are concerned about getting too far along. I am also starting to get the sore TMJ joints again, along with cramping in my jaw muscles. The salivary pain hasn’t returned, thankfully…yet! A hoarse voice and some nausea are present right now, and my energy level is decent. I do get very tired during the afternoon though, more from not sleeping than from the effects of the chemo.

This morning I will be going to Wild Rose Hospital to get my blood drawn for the first time since I started (and ended) the second round of chemo. I am interested to see where my blood counts are this morning. I have started the Neupogen injections again for this cycle, having done two of them so far. I had a fair amount of discomfort last evening that I attributed to the Neupogen as it does its thing in my bone marrow.

I want to give a shout out to my first cousin once removed, Ariel Olson. She traveled out to California with a challenge team from Wisconsin to do a half-marathon, raising money to help cure Crohn’s Disease and Colitis. In her true-to-form sweetness she remembered me by wearing a ribbon with my name on it during the race. It was a touching gesture to me, and a great accomplishment for her to finish the race . Thank you Ari! I love you!

I hope that everyone is able to have a great week. Take care all!

5 thoughts on “Here Come the Side Effects

  1. Kathe says:

    Sorry you’re having a hard time, Rick. Hang in there! XO

  2. Shannon says:

    I gotta tell you Rick, I can’t help but smile and laugh at the little things you say in your blogs…your comical side is still there and glad to hear you haven’t lost that. It’s hard to get through all this crap and they say, laughter is the best medicine! Prayers to you that things will not get any worse than they have been, but if they do, they resolve quickly. Big hugs!

  3. Amy says:

    I feel you on the prednisone thing Rick. It’s awful to be feeling so awful and then have to gain wt on top of it. Like a double sucker punch. They (doctors, meds, and cancer) can make you bald, make you feel weak, make you hurt, give you insomnia, and zap your strength but they will never be able to take your amazing spirit, personality, and how beautiful you are to all of us!
    Just keep picturing those cancer cells dying. Maybe they’re being drowned with all the bloating 😉
    Big hugs to you

  4. ootophoto says:

    DAMN, thought you might get off easier this time 😦 it sucks that you are going thru this, however most people would be down out and out and would have never DREAMED of walking it out the other day…ROCK ON RICK…going thru this is tough but you are tougher!!! BTW, i wish i could drop some weight too, i can imagine how devastating it is to feel like it’s all come back, but as soon as the pred is out of your system you’ll be back to where you were, maybe even smaller!!! HANG IN THERE!!!!!!!!!

  5. Sorry to hear the side effects are making their whereabouts known again-Prednisone is so nasty-I can’t imagine what it’s like to be on such a HIGH dose-I know what it did to me on a low dose! Appreciate your strength, wisdom and your leadership in your showing all of the rest of us what life is really aboout. Thank you Rick!! God’s strengnth and blessings to you. Thoughts and prayers. Have a good day and here’s to great blood counts today! With love.

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